
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 LiF:Mg,Cu,Si - A high sensitivity TLD for personal and environmental monitoring of X and gamma rays J.I.Lee, J.L.Kim, A.S.Pradhan, B.H.Kim, K.S.Lim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 Evaluation of the performance of newly developed 6LiF and 7LiF TLDs based on Mg, Cu and Si doped material in the mixed fields of neutrons and gamma rays A. S. Pradhan, J.I.Lee, J.L.Kim, B.H.Kim, K.S.Lim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 Development of EASYQAD version β: A Visualization Code System for QAD-CGGP-A Gamma and Neutron Shielding Calculation Code Jae Cheon Kim, Hwan Soo Lee, Pham Nhu Viet Ha , Soon Young Kim, Chang-ho Shin, Jong Kyung Kim(HYU) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 The estimation of activity contents by RMC-II Phantom Choi One, Kim Eun Ju, Choi Hoon, Lim Young Khi(RHRI) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 CsI/PIN Diode Detector Manufacture and Gamma-ray Response Measurement Jang Ho Ha, Se Hwan Park , Sang Mook Kang(KAERI), Yong Kyun Kim, Wo Kyu Lee(HYU) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 The Radioactivity of 3H and 14C in the Resin Samples of a Nuclear Power Plant Hee Reyoung Kim, Wanno Lee, Kun Ho Chung, Young Hyun Cho, Geun Sik Choi and Chang Woo Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 Shielding calculation of a Duct Structure in the Industrial 10 MeV-Electron Irradiation Facility Soo-Ryul Park, Bo-Young Lee, Seung-Kook Ko(ULSAN UNIV.), Hee-Seock Lee(POSTECH) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 Optimization of C-14 Separation Technique by using 14C Labelled Na2CO3 and CH3COONa Duk-Won Kang, Yang-Hee Yang(KEPRI), Hur Ho(ACT) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 Reliability analysis of road network for estimation of public evacuation time around NPPs Sun-Young Bang, Gab-Bock Lee, Yang-Geun Chung(KEPRI) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 Aerial Radioactivity Monitoring Using Atmospheric Dispersion Model Juyoul Kim, Gunhyo Jung(FNC), Hyeongki Shin, Dongmyung Lee(KINS) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 Radiation Detection System for Prevention of Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism Sung-Woo Kwak, Ho-Sik Yoo, Sung-Sun Jang, Jae-kwang Kim, Jung-Soo Kim(ICU) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 An Improved Dose Assessment Model for Carbon-14 Released from PWR Stations Kimun Nam, Taejo Yu, Hyoungkue Choi, Chanyoung Chung(KOPEC) PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 Characteristics of Noble Gas-filled Ionization Chambers for a Low Dose Rate Monitoring Han Soo Kim, Se Hwan Park, Jan Ho Ha, Jae Hyung Lee, Nam Ho Lee, Jung Bok Kim(KAERI), Yong Kyun Kim( PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 Immunoreactivity and Radioimmunoscintigraphy of 4-Lysine Single Chain (Fv) Lym-1 Antibody for the Radiometal Chelation Jae Ho Jung, Tae Hyun Choi, Tae Sup Lee, Gwang Sun Uh, Wee Sup Chung, Eun Jung Kim, Gi Jeong Cheon, PDF보기 -
2007-Spring 제6분과 방사선 이용 및 방호 The BiDAS-2007 : Bioassy Data Analysis Software for Evaluating a Radionuclide Intake and Dose Jong Il Lee, Tae Young Lee, Bong Whan Kim, Jang Lyul Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn