- NET 47권 5호 (8월호) 발행 안내
한국원자력학회 |
2015-08-25 19:15:49
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Volume 47, Number 5, August 2015
Selected papers from “the 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-9)”
[Invited Articles]
Turbulence Modulation of the Upward Turbulent Bubbly Flow in Vertical Ducts
Hongna Zhang , Takehiko Yokomine and Tomoaki Kunugi
Three-Dimensional Flow Phenomena in a Wire-Wrapped 37-Pin Fuel Bundle for SFR
Jae-Ho Jeong , Jin Yoo , Kwi-Lim Lee and Kwi-Seok Ha
Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of the One Side-Heated Vertical Channel with Inserted Porous Materials Applied as a Vessel Cooling System
Shinji Kuriyama , Tetsuaki Takeda and Shumpei Funatani
[Original Articles]
Reactor Physics
A Proposal on Alternative Sampling-Based Modeling Method of Spherical Particles in Stochastic Media for Monte Carlo Simulation
Song Hyun Kim , Jae Yong Lee , Do Hyun Kim , Jong Kyung Kim and Jae Man Noh
Thermal Hydraulics
Thermal – Hydraulic Characteristics for CANFLEX Fuel Channel Using Burnable Poison in CANDU Reactor
Jun Ho Bae and Jong Yeob Jeong
Improvement of CUPID Code for Simulating Filmwise Steam Condensation in the Presence ofNoncondensable Gases
Jehee Lee , Goon-Cherl Park and Hyoung Kyu Cho
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Management
Investigation of Activated Carbon Adsorbent Electrode for Electrosorption-Based Uranium Extraction from Seawater
Aznan Fazli Ismail and Man-Sung Yim
A Model Study on Multistep Recovery of Actinides Based on the Difference in Diffusion Coeffi cients within Liquid Metal
Young-Min Chun and Heon-Cheol Shin
iBEST: A Program for Burnup History Estimation of Spent Fuels Based on ORIGEN-S
Do-Yeon Kim , Ser Gi Hong and Gil Hoon Ahn
Nuclear Fuel and Reactor Materials
Comparison of Diffusion Coeffi cients and Activation Energies for Ag Diffusion in Silicon Carbide
Bong Goo Kim , Sunghwan Yeo , Young Woo Lee and Moon Sung Cho
Fabrication of ZrO 2 -Based Nanocomposites for Transuranic Element-Burning Inert Matrix Fuel
Qusai Mistarihi , Malik A. Umer , Joon Hui Kim , Soon Hyung Hong and Ho Jin Ryu
Nuclear Structural Analysis and Plant Management & Maintenance
Development of a Majority Vote Decision Module for a Self-Diagnostic Monitoring System for an Air-Operated Valve System
Wooshik Kim , Jangbom Chai and Intaek Kim
Mechanical Properties of Two-Way Different Confi gurations of Prestressed Concrete Members Subjected to Axial Loading
Chaobi Zhang , Jianyun Chen , Qiang Xu and Jing Li
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