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2018-06-14 10:27:02
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NET 6월호(Vol. 50., No. 5, June 2018)가 발행되었습니다.
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Volume 50, Number 5, June 2018
Review Article
Nuclear Safety
Integrated Level 1–Level 2 decommissioning probabilistic risk assessment for boiling water reactors
Davide Mercurio, Vincent M. Andersen, and Kenneth C. Wagner
Original Articles
Reactor Physics
Safety margin and fuel cycle period enhancements of VVER-1000 nuclear reactor using water/silver nanofluid
Hassan Saadati, Kamal Hadad, and Ataollah Rabiee
Reactivity balance for a soluble boron-free small modular reactor
Lezani van der Merwe and Chang Joo Hah
Thermal Hydraulics
Self-pressurization analysis of the natural circulation integral nuclear reactor using a new dynamic model
Ali Farsoon Pilehvar, Mohammad Hossein Esteki, Afshin Hedayat, and Gholam Reza Ansarifar
Nuclear Safety
Investigation of dust particle removal efficiency of self-priming venturi scrubber using computational fluid dynamics
Sarim Ahmed, Hassan Mohsin, Kamran Qureshi, Ajmal Shah, Waseem Siddique, Khalid Waheed, Naseem Irfan, Masroor Ahmad, and Amjad Farooq
Uncertainty analysis of containment dose rate for core damage assessment in nuclear power plants
Guohua Wu, Jiejuan Tong, Yan Gao, Liguo Zhang, and Yunfei Zhao
Survivability assessment of Viton in safety-related equipment under simulated severe accident environments
Kyungha Ryu, Inyoung Song, Taehyun Lee, Sanghyuk Lee, Youngjoong Kim, and Ji Hyun Kim
Nuclear I&C
Design and development of enhanced criticality alarm system for nuclear applications
Padi Srinivas Reddy, R. Amudhu Ramesh Kumar, M. Geo Mathews, and G. Amarendra
Wavelet operator for multiscale modeling of a nuclear reactor
Vineet Vajpayee, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, and Akhilanand Pati Tiwari
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Management
Sensitivity studies in spent fuel pool criticality safety analysis for APR-1400 nuclear power plants
Abdulrahman S. Al Awad, Abdalla Habashy, and Walid A. Metwally
Thermal analysis of certain accident conditions of dry spent nuclear fuel storage
Svitlana Alyokhina
Nuclear Fuel and Reactor Materials
Effect of CrN barrier on fuel-clad chemical interaction
Dongkyu Kim, Kangsoo Lee, and Young Soo Yoon
Thermal transport in thorium dioxide
Jungkyu Park, Eduardo B. Farfán, and Christian Enriquez
Development of an evaluation method for nuclear fuel debris–filtering performance
Joon‑Kyoo Park, Seong‑Ki Lee, and Jae‑Hoon Kim
Radiation Application
Application plan for radiological exposure model using virtual reality–based radiological exercise system
Dewhey Lee, Byung Il Lee, Younwon Park, and Dohyung Kim
Design and construction of a new ultraviolet sensor using CsI deposition in the ionization chamber
R. Souri, A. Negarestani, S. Souri, M. Farzan, and M. Mahani
Nuclear Structural Analysis and Plant Management & Maintenance
Effective numerical approach to assess low-cycle fatigue behavior of pipe elbows
Heung Woon Jang, Daegi Hahm, Jae‑Wook Jung, and Jung‑Wuk Hong
Nuclear Policy, Economics and Human Resource Development
Examination of different socioeconomic factors that contribute to the public acceptance of nuclear energy
Viet Phuong Nguyen and Man‑Sung Yim
Policymakers and stakeholders' perceptions of science-driven nuclear energy policy
Nan Li, Dominique Brossard, Dietram A. Scheufele, and Paul P.H. Wilson
Technical Note
Nuclear I&C
Development of field programmable gate array–based encryption module to mitigate man-in-the-middle attack for nuclear power plant data communication network
Mohamed Abdallah Elakrat and Jae Cheon Jung
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Management
Performance evaluation of METAMIC neutron absorber in spent fuel storage rack
Kiyoung Kim, Sunghwan Chung, and Junhee Hong
Comparison of proliferation resistance among natural uranium, thorium–uranium, and thorium–plutonium fuels used in CANada Deuterium Uranium in deep geological repository by combining multiattribute utility analysis with transport model
Shinya Nagasaki, Xiaopan Wang, and Adriaan Buijs
Radiation Protection
Development of low-cost, compact, real-time, and wireless radiation monitoring system in underwater environment
Jeong Ho Kim, Ki Hyun Park, and Koan Sik Joo
Analysis and radiation dose assessment of 222Rn in indoor air at schools: Case study at Ulju County, Korea
ChoongWie Lee, Sungyeol Choi, and Hee Reyoung Kim
Corrigendum to “Toward the multiscale nature of stress corrosion cracking” [Nucl Eng Technol 50(1) (2018) 1–17]
Xiaolong Liu, Woonggi Hwang, Jaewoong Park, Donghyun Van, Yunlong Chang, Seung Hwan Lee, Sung‑Yup Kim, Sangsoo Han, and Boyoung Lee
목차: 첨부파일 참조
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