- Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management (ANFM 2025) 개최
한국원자력학회 |
2024-07-30 08:53:18
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Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management (ANFM 2025)
July 20–23, 2025
It has been eight years since the last ANFM meeting. Since then, nuclear fuel management has changed significantly with the introduction of new fuel designs, advanced technology fuel (ATF), and longer cycle lengths. In the near future, we will see increased enrichments and increased burnup limits in light water reactors (LWRs). In addition, many new advanced reactor concepts are being planned that will require economical fuel cycles and the introduction of new fuel types. On top of this, machine learning and artificial intelligence applications loom on the horizon with the promise of increased efficiency. Join us in sunny Clearwater Beach as international representatives from fuel vendors, utilities, support organizations, national laboratories, and universities get together to share and discuss the latest developments in nuclear fuel management. The conference will include plenary sessions, technical sessions, panel sessions, and workshops.
July 20–23, 2025
It has been eight years since the last ANFM meeting. Since then, nuclear fuel management has changed significantly with the introduction of new fuel designs, advanced technology fuel (ATF), and longer cycle lengths. In the near future, we will see increased enrichments and increased burnup limits in light water reactors (LWRs). In addition, many new advanced reactor concepts are being planned that will require economical fuel cycles and the introduction of new fuel types. On top of this, machine learning and artificial intelligence applications loom on the horizon with the promise of increased efficiency. Join us in sunny Clearwater Beach as international representatives from fuel vendors, utilities, support organizations, national laboratories, and universities get together to share and discuss the latest developments in nuclear fuel management. The conference will include plenary sessions, technical sessions, panel sessions, and workshops.
- 이전
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