- AWC 2024 (Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia, 2024) 개최
한국원자력학회 |
2024-04-23 15:37:40
| 1,981 Hit
AWC 2024 (Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia, 2024)
AWC 2024는 다양한 유형의 원자로에서의 운전 경험, 1차 및 2차측 계통 수화학에 관련된 문제, 노후화된 관리, 부식 문제, 원자로의 제염 및 폐로 처리, 원자로 사고 조건에서의 수화학에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 이 심포지엄은 원자력 발전소의 운전 경험을 통해 얻은 지식과 여러 이슈상황에 관련된 연구내용을 공유하고 이 분야의 새로운 발전을 이끌어내는 장이 될 것입니다.
<AWC 2024 세부사항>
- 일자: 2024.11.30~2024.12.02
- 장소: DAE Convention Centre, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai, India
- 홈페이지: www.awc2024.com
- Submission date: 첨부된 브로슈어 참조
- 등록비: 첨부된 브로슈어 참조
1. You are requested to kindly give wide publicity to this symposium in your organization / scientific community, your contacts and encourage researchers to participate.
2. Desirous potential participants from of AWC 2024 from outside India should submit the “Delegate Registration Form” in the “Delegate registration” tab on the symposium website (https://www.awc2024.com/index). No payment to be made for this initial signup and initial signup can be done even before the actual date of registration starts. The conference website www.awc2024.com is functional.
3. All the potential participants from outside India need to fill in the Annexure I and II attached to this email and email it to convener@awc2024.com along with a scanned copy of passport (first page and last page). It is imperative to receive the filled-in annexure well in advance, as it is required to obtain necessary prior approvals at our end which is important for your visa. Once the prior approvals are obtained the participants would then have to apply for the visa. Application for prior approvals will be done by us for all overseas participants together.
4. Please note that if a participant is not able to travel to India to make a presentation, provision will be made for such participants for making an online presentation. Please note that for online participation also the filled in Annexure I and II will be needed for taking prior approvals at our end. Thus, any desirous participant (both online and offline) should provide the necessary details in Annexure I and II in advance. Offline participation is highly encouraged though.
5. The annexure I and II has to be also filled for any person accompanying the delegate for offline participation in the symposium. Please take care to fill all the blank fields in the Annexure I and II.
6. Kindly note that the registration fee should be paid online only after obtaining the Visa and can be paid online even after the “Registration end” date at no additional charge.
7. An abstract in the specified format (attached template) of intended presentation has to be emailed to abstract@awc2024.com on or before August 14, 2024.
Please visit the conference website www.awc2024.com for more details. We eagerly look forward to your response to this email. For any enquiries/clarification you may please email to convener@awc2024.com or to supratik@barc.gov.in .
AWC 2024는 다양한 유형의 원자로에서의 운전 경험, 1차 및 2차측 계통 수화학에 관련된 문제, 노후화된 관리, 부식 문제, 원자로의 제염 및 폐로 처리, 원자로 사고 조건에서의 수화학에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 이 심포지엄은 원자력 발전소의 운전 경험을 통해 얻은 지식과 여러 이슈상황에 관련된 연구내용을 공유하고 이 분야의 새로운 발전을 이끌어내는 장이 될 것입니다.
<AWC 2024 세부사항>
- 일자: 2024.11.30~2024.12.02
- 장소: DAE Convention Centre, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai, India
- 홈페이지: www.awc2024.com
- Submission date: 첨부된 브로슈어 참조
- 등록비: 첨부된 브로슈어 참조
1. You are requested to kindly give wide publicity to this symposium in your organization / scientific community, your contacts and encourage researchers to participate.
2. Desirous potential participants from of AWC 2024 from outside India should submit the “Delegate Registration Form” in the “Delegate registration” tab on the symposium website (https://www.awc2024.com/index). No payment to be made for this initial signup and initial signup can be done even before the actual date of registration starts. The conference website www.awc2024.com is functional.
3. All the potential participants from outside India need to fill in the Annexure I and II attached to this email and email it to convener@awc2024.com along with a scanned copy of passport (first page and last page). It is imperative to receive the filled-in annexure well in advance, as it is required to obtain necessary prior approvals at our end which is important for your visa. Once the prior approvals are obtained the participants would then have to apply for the visa. Application for prior approvals will be done by us for all overseas participants together.
4. Please note that if a participant is not able to travel to India to make a presentation, provision will be made for such participants for making an online presentation. Please note that for online participation also the filled in Annexure I and II will be needed for taking prior approvals at our end. Thus, any desirous participant (both online and offline) should provide the necessary details in Annexure I and II in advance. Offline participation is highly encouraged though.
5. The annexure I and II has to be also filled for any person accompanying the delegate for offline participation in the symposium. Please take care to fill all the blank fields in the Annexure I and II.
6. Kindly note that the registration fee should be paid online only after obtaining the Visa and can be paid online even after the “Registration end” date at no additional charge.
7. An abstract in the specified format (attached template) of intended presentation has to be emailed to abstract@awc2024.com on or before August 14, 2024.
Please visit the conference website www.awc2024.com for more details. We eagerly look forward to your response to this email. For any enquiries/clarification you may please email to convener@awc2024.com or to supratik@barc.gov.in .
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